Thursday, July 16, 2009

Hi second generation,
I told Stephen that I would post the information about Grandpa's recent health problems and progress, so here they are. All of these events followed the prostate procedure Dad (Grandpa Fife) underwent on June 29th. Becky talked with the occupational therapist at Aspen today and was told that Dad would be at Aspen for another week or possibly two. Thank you for your interest and prayers in his behalf.

On another note, for any of you locals - we have an apricot tree that is loaded with pretty nice apricots. Are any of you interested in some free fruit? If you are, come and get it soon as this hot weather will ripen the rest of them quickly. Nancy

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Urologist Appointment
Dad saw the urologist's PA today. The PA said that he was emptying his bladder 50% more than before the surgery. He (the PA) was pleased with that, but saddened by the complications Dad has had.. He will see the PA again in three weeks. Nancy
Posted by Steve and Nancy at 11:48 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Monday, July 13, 2009

Back to Aspen
Dad was discharged back to Aspen Rehab this morning. He is in room #109, ths same room as before. One of the staff members at Aspen said we would not be charged for Dad's room for the Saturday and Sunday he ws at the hospital. Two out of the three stool cultures that were tested for C-Diff turned out negative. The second culture was positive for C-diff. I don't think he is on anykind of precatutions at Aspen though,. Thanks to all for helping out this weekend. Bye for now. Love, Nancy
Posted by Steve and Nancy at 11:26 PM 0 comments Links to this post
Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dad's in the hospital again
Hi everyone,As most of you know, Dad went back into the hospital this morning. Aspen called me about 6am to say that he had bloody diarrhea - with a large amount of blood, nausea and vomitting. Mom and I picked him up from Aspen and took him to the ER. He was admitted with a GI bleed (possibly caused by C-Diff) and probable pancreatitis. He is in room 532 at St. Lukes Meridian. C-diff is an intestinal bacteria that gets out of control when an antibiotic (like the Levaquin Dad was on for the pneumonia) kills off all the good bacteria in the gut. It causes severe diarrhea that damages the lining of the intestine and causes bleeding. It is a nasty bug that is also very contagious. Dad is under "contact precautions," which means that when you go to visit him in the hospital, you will need to put on a gown and gloves before entering the room. There is a cart outside his door stocked with disposable gowns and plastic gloves. You have to put them on before going into the room and take them off before leaving the room. The instructions for their use are on a poster posted outside his door.They collected a stool sample to test for C-diff. It takes 48 hrs to grow the culture out so they can determine whether or not it is C-diff. So, Dad will be in the hospital at least through Monday morning. I'm guessing it will be longer. He was really feeling poorly today - and admitting to more pain than I have ever heard him confess to before. Mom stayed with Dad until Steve picked her up about 6:30 this evening. I am comfortable leaving him unattended by one of us through the night. He has learned to use the call light, over at Aspen. I think he will use it in the hospital this time. ( I hope I'm right!) Visitors during the day or evening are nice, however, to give both of them a break.